The Maharashtra elections results can’t be explained by Raj Thackeray alone, as I argue in this opinion piece in today’s Indian Express. The larger question is why the opposition to the...
K. Balagopal, in his last article in the EPW castigates the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on reservations. He frames the problem as one of judicial indiscipline influenced by...
Commentators have often noted that the High Courts, District Courts, and other subordinate courts are rarely systematically studied in India. In such a large country, it’s difficult to easily...
About the Journal The Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published annually by the Law and Society Committee, National Law School of India...
My review (rather comparison) of Madhav Godbole’s new book, Judiciary & Governance in India with Searching for Success in Judicial Reform, an edited volume brought out by Asia Pacific...
It is now official that the SC collegium will delink Justice Dinakaran from the other four Judges whom it recommended for appointment to the Supreme Court. I was amazed to read this story in TOI...
I invite readers’ attention to Rajeev Dhavan’s article in Mail Today on when and why Judges should recuse themselves from hearing a matter. The news peg for the article is certainly...
C.B Muthamma passed away today. She was the first woman to have joined the Indian civil service in 1949. She became a part of Indian legal history when she challenged the Foreign Service Rules which...
Sudhir Krishnaswamy has authored an engaging article on the second Mashelkar Report tilted “Mashelkar Report Version II: Wrong Again”. The article is forthcoming in the Economic and...
Vikram undertook a thorough and incisive review of the Delhi High Court decision in the Naz Foundation case in three remarkable posts on this blog. Since then, Arvind Narrain...
The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law will have an online symposium tomorrow October 11th. Prof. Kent Roach’s “Judicial Review of Anti-Terrorism Legislation: The Post-9/11 Experience...
The targeted kidnapping and beheading of a Jharkhand police inspector, almost certainly by Naxalites, is seen as taking the conflict to a new level. Chhattisgarh-based doctor Binayak Sen (whose...
A sense of irony is the only way for me to describe how I felt when I heard about Balagopal’s death. Ordinary people leading ordinary lives die of heart attacks. And despite the simplicity with which...