My last post reproducing K.V.Dhananjay’s view that the SLPs in the Naz Foundation case do not survive after the Supreme Court’s judgment in the Laloo Prasad case has led to an interesting...
1. In this piece in the Economic and Political Weekly, I analyze what I term (for lack of better terminology) the “democratic” and “political” insulation of India’s constitutional judiciary. 2. In...
Marking the retirement of Justice A.P. Shah as Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court and recognizing his judicial legacy characterized by his consistent sympathy for the rights of the poor, the weak...
*My post on the dyslexic student failing to get interim relief from the Supreme Court invited quite a few insightful comments. My thanks to all the commentators, though my article does not reflect...
The Naz Foundation case is coming up before the Chief Justice’s Bench tomorrow. It is listed as Item No.8. The causelist shows that there are as many as 13 SLPs which will be heard together...
The draft Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2010 is available here for comments and suggestions. The Bill seeks to make sweeping changes to the Indian rape law regime. Interesting features include the...
Despite being passed in December 2009, a Supreme Court judgment with tremendous ramifications for the practice of law came to our notice only recently. In Bar Council of India v. Bonnie Foi Law...
Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) No(s).22337/2008 (From the judgement and order dated 17/03/2008 in WP No.13698/2007 of the HIGH COURT OF M.P. AT JABALPUR) BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA:...
By Bikram Jeet Batra The Tamil Nadu Government has rejected an application by Nalini – one of the convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case – seeking a premature release from her sentence of...
Despite Pakistan’s troubled history of executive-judiciary relations and frequent attempts by the executive to pack or sack the judiciary, public opinion seems to be wary of granting the...
The drafting of new constitutions and the ultimate shape they take can yield global lessons. The most arresting recent example of this is perhaps the 1996 South African Constitution’s...
On March 19, Supreme Court refused to permit a dyslexic student use calculator in Class XII examination. The case is unusual for several reasons. The boy, Pranjay Jain, through his father, sought...
*My detailed story on the recent Delhi High Court judgment granting the right of women to Permanent Commission in the Army and the Air Force. I was surprised to find that the UPA Government which is...