The Law Minister recently announced that all law schools and colleges would have a common entrance test (CET) to admit candidates. Given that there around 900 law schools and colleges throughout...
April 26th is celebrated each year as the World IP Day. For those interested, I penned a short piece for the Mint on this momentous day, reflecting on Indian IP policy and the progress since the...
A good story on the Solicitor-General, Gopal Subramanium’s U.S. visit on the Headley trail. The interesting question is whether the SG violated Section 8 (1)(e) of the Law Officers [Conditions...
The Women’s Reservation Bill and the controversy surrounding it have invited many comments and counter-proposals. Some observers, for instance, have supported the proposal for amending the R.P...
AMU’s gay lecturer Ramchandra Siras, was first illegally filmed in a compromising position with another man, then suspended by AMU. Though reinstated by the Allahabad High Court, he was found...
The following is a guest post from Sushant Sinha, the person behind Indian Kanoon...
The latest Frontline carries the cover story on the Dantewada massacre, analysing what has gone wrong with the Government’s strategy. My article, Reluctant Reform, sums up the findings of the...
Following is a guest post from Rahela Khorakiwala, who completed her LL.B. from Government Law College, Mumbai and is currently doing her LL.M. at NYU School of Law...
Centre for Disability Studies – NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad Internship Programme for Law Students The Centre for Disability Studies, NALSAR University of Law invites applications for its...
The National Advisory Council is being reconstituted. Its previous avatar saw a vigorous debate on its constitutional illegitimacy, one that is completely absent this time around. There is a sense...
Have written an opinion piece in today’s The Indian Express, critical of the three-day Independent People’s Tribunal on Tribals, land grab and Operation Greenhunt. Would be glad to know...
In an interesting column in the Indian Express, Mihir Sharma ponders over ‘The Four Rights that millennial India has promised its people — to information, to food, to education, and to (rural)...
Gopal Subramanium, the current Solicitor General was recently elected as the Chairman of the Bar Council of India. We wish him the very best as he pilots this body and the profession that it...