The election of Meira Kumar as the Lok Sabha Speaker has led to a curious debate as to whether the Congress Party’s decision is an exercise in tokenism or a recognition of talent.(talent or...
It has now been reported that the Rajya Sabha Chairman has constituted a three-member committee to investigate the grounds on which the removal of Justice Soumitra Sen of the Calcutta High Court is...
The Nalsar Student Law Review (“NSLR”) is a student initiative, the primary aim of which has been to encourage legal writing and scholarship among students. The first volume of the NSLR was released...
Mail Today has carried a comprehensive story on political dynasties in India. Another article carried in the edit page today argues that power ought not to be given on a platter to lateral entrants...
The results of the 2009 general elections have left the BJP very confused. It has been an interesting exercise to read different interpretations in the media about Mandate 2009. There are in fact...
The judgment delivered by Punjab and Haryana High Court in the case of Gurleen Kaur vs. State of Punjab is of profound significance.(Readers can access the judgment on the High Court’s site...
Here are some links to the profiles of the new Union Law Minister, M.Veerappa Moily. *His profile as carried in the Administrative Reforms Commmission’s site. *This profile appeared in...
Recent events of violence in Punjab after the assasination of a Sikh guru in Vienna fall squarely within the type of cases that the Supreme Court intended to cover while delivering its judgment in In...
That was the subject of the workshop held by the Foundation for Media Professionals today in New Delhi for the sake of visiting journalists from Thailand. I was part of the panel which addressed...
This editorial in the Telegraph laments the fact that the formation of the council of ministers took twelve days: This inordinate delay in forming a team that is supposed to present to the nation an...
Arun has in an earlier post already drawn attention to certain views about what Verdict 2009 means. I found two comments which are very interesting. The first is by Ashis Nandy in the latest Tehelka...
The CBI is about to begin arguments before the Allahabad High Court in the Taj Heritage Corridor case. The agency has to justify its decision not to prosecute Chief Minister Mayawati. It appears to...
As some of you may be aware, a generous bequest by US billionaire Vinod Gupta helped kickstart the Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property law (RGSOIPL), India’s first specialised law...