In a post on SpicyIP, I reviewed a big ticket compulsory licensing dispute involving the sound recording industry on the one hand, and radio stations on the other. I went on to reflect on the...
Fareed Zakaria’s latest piece here captioned “If it’s not a crisis, we can’t fix it” provides an interesting backdrop to the problems associated with constitution-making...
I am delighted to introduce Aparna Chandra as a new contributor to the blog. Aparna graduated from the National Law School in 2006 and with a LLM from Yale Law School in 2007. She worked for a couple...
The case is about the constitutionality of permitting reserved category candidates selected under general (merit) list by virtue of their good performance to migrate to reserved category for the...
Almost a year ago on this blog, in what was perhaps my first post, I wrote about a lecture given by Amartya Sen at Harvard Law School on “The Idea of Justice”. In his lecture, Professor Sen expounded...
PRS Legislative Research invites submissions for Analysis 2009, a national-level legislative analysis competition organised by PRS every year since 2007. The competition is open to all law students...
1. Pratiksha Baxi in this EPW article critiques both Mayawati and Rita Bahuguna in the context of the recent controversy over the latter’s hate speech against the CM. Important for the...
Supreme Court’s five-Judge Constitution Bench comprising the CJI, Justices S.H.Kapadia, Raveendran, Sathasivam and Sudarshan Reddy will begin hearing from today a series of eight cases...
There will be a panel discussion this Thursday, August 20, on sting operations or undercover investigations conducted by the media. This issue has acquired urgency because of the charge of abetment...
The latest issue of Time has an article with the arresting title, ‘Why Asia’s gays are starting to win acceptance.’ Not surprisingly, the Naz Foundation case features prominently in...
I am delighted that Pratiksha Baxi has agreed to join us as a regular contributor. Her previous guest posts on contemporary academic culture in India (available here and here), and her post on the...
Today and tomorrow the Chief Justices of the High Courts and Supreme Court of India are having a conference in Delhi on how to expedite the disposal of cases. Although the meeting is not public, in a...
The Supreme Court’s decision in Bhaskar Lal Sharma v Monica has raised a furore, and the government seems set to seek a review. The media (including the venerable Hindu) reported the case as...