In this piece, Shivaraj Huchhanavar, introduces the arguments he makes in his paper titled “Regulatory mechanisms combating judicial corruption and misconduct in India: a critical analysis” that has...
[Ed Note: Please find below Prof. Tarunabh Khaitan’s quick response to the post from Krithika Ashok regarding Prof. Khaitan’s Article in the ILR titled “The Indian Supreme Court’s...
Prof. Khaitan focuses particularly on the reversal rate in SLP cases to argue that the court may be admitting more cases than it ought to; and importantly, considers the role that Senior Advocates...
We’re extremely happy to kick-off this by starting a discussion around the public law themed articles featured in the recently released Issue 1 of the 2020 Volume of the Indian Law Review. This post...
Our Senior Editor Malavika Prasad has put together a Reading List of articles on the background of Article 370 and its effacement over the years, the implications of its hollowing out, and ground...
I am very grateful to Dr Chowdhury for his generous and incisive comments on my paper. Some points by way of reply/clarification...
I highlight what I perceive to be some of the more significant questions for future scholarship, along with certain areas of disagreement with the author.
The Junior Faculty Forum for Indian Law Teachers is pleased to announce their 2nd monthly workshop for a discussion on a paper by Mr. Surendra Kumar titled “Social Distancing before COVID-19:...
This article has been authored by Siddhant Ranjan. Background Jayaraj and his son J. Beniks were allegedly sexually assaulted and tortured to death by police officials in Sathamkulam, Tamil Nadu. The...
ILS Law College is commencing a webinar series to celebrate the birth centenary year of Chief Justice Shri Y.V. Chandrachud. Topic: Collaborative Activism in the Sphere of Gender Equality: Some...