NDTV has just done a special program on rape law in India. The program features Mrinal Satish, an assistant professor of the National Law University in Delhi. Professor Satish recently wrote a guest...
Journalist, blogger and writer Sidin Vadukut has a series of podcasts on the oral history of the Indian constitution, beginning with the reforms of 1858. It’s informative, fun...
By Pratiksha Baxi There is a surging hope that the Justice Verma Commission will do justice to the cries for freedom and justice resounding in the city surely and loudly since the tragic death...
A guestpost by Mrinal Satish, Associate Professor, National Law University, Delhi. The horrific gang rape incident in Delhi has led to demands for amending the law to provide for more stringent...
The Moot Court Society of National Law School of India University, Bangalore, in association with Tax India Online, is organising the 1st NLS-TIOL Taxation Law Conference on 6th January, 2013 along...
The Supreme Court’s split decision in this case raises some interesting issues. In this article, I touch upon two such issues within the limitations of space. One is why the CJI has never...
Much has been said and written about the events unfolding in Delhi over the last few days. Some of the reactions have been just as upsetting, and it is hard to come across sober and meaningful...
Rohit’s previous post on this issue in early December drew attention to the brewing crisis around the impeachment of Chief Justice Bandaranayake in Sri Lanka. Since then, some other...
In this op-ed in today’s Indian Express, I add my own perspective on the promotion quota bill. Among other things, I argue that (a) there is no comprehensive data that conclusively establishes...
In this op-ed in today’s Express I highlight a pressing, yet underadressed problem in the upper tiers of the Indian judiciary – that of following precedent. As the piece makes clear, more...
I released a paper today with Azim Premji’s Law, Governance, and Development Initiative entitled “The Indian Supreme Court by the Numbers.” It can be downloaded here or here. I have...
[The following is an announcement from the Chief Editor, National Law School of India Review] The National Law School of India Review, the flagship journal of National Law School...
Earlier this week proceedings were initiated in the Sri Lankan Parliament to impeach the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Dr Shirani Bandaranayake. The allegations against Chief Justice Bandaranayake are...