It has been some time since this blog featured analysis of the legal aspects of the regulation of cricket. (See here for some previous posts by V. Venkatesan in 2008, which might also induce...
In a dramatic move the newly elected President of Sri Lanak asked deposed Chief Justice Shirani Bandarakanayake to “resume” her duties as Chief Justice of Sri Lanka. Chief Justice...
The Death Penalty Research Project at National Law University, Delhi has launched a website on the death penalty in India — The site aims to host extensive and...
Guest Post: Vasujith Ram Last year, LAOT carried three blog posts, debating whether a recognized Leader of Opposition (LoP) has to be appointed irrespective of the number of seats the party in...
In this essay, I review Krishna Iyer’s life and career in politics and law. Among other things, I examine his time as a senior minister in India’s first communist state government. I also...
The Pathe’ film archive has wonderful clips from Delhi in 1947. I came across this silent clip on the courts in Delhi in 1947, to my knowledge, the only visual documentation that we have of the...
The Narendra Modi Government has promulgated eight ordinances since coming to power last May. Readers may be aware of Shubhankar Dam’s excellent recent book, Presidential Legislation in India:...
The Centre for WTO Studies, in partnership with the World Trade Institute, Berne is launching the 2nd WTI – CWS Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy in New Delhi, from May 25 – June...
One of the things an outsider notices about the Indian judiciary is how much it is covered in the news. A bevy of news cameras seem permanently stationed outside the Court complex to give reporters...
I recently did this interview for IConnect on the 121st amendment that creates the National Judicial Appointments Commission (although I warn you the quality of my webcam leaves something to be...
One advantage of writing a belated obituary is that the writer can try to dig out what has been missed by others who had to write almost immediately after the eminent person’s passing...
For those interested, this is my India Today review of Justice Leila Seth’s new book Talking of Justice. I think one of the great roles of judges of any court is to educate citizens about the...
A natural assumption regarding any judicial system that seeks to resolve legal disputes, is that lawyers would be permitted to participate in the adjudicatory process, and assist the parties they...