In this post, Professor Arvind Elangovan reflects upon the famous television series "Samvidhaan: The Making of the Constitution of India" by Shyam Benegal. He argues that despite the accomplishments...
This Response Piece is part of a series of posts indexed here discussing the public law themed articles featured in the recently released Issue 2 of the 2020 Volume of the Indian Law Review.
This is the third part of our New Scholarship Series. In this series we discuss public law themed articles featured in the recently released Issue 2 of the 2020 Volume of India Law Review. This post...
In this piece, Deirdre N. Dlugoleski introduces the arguments she makes in her research article titled “Undoing historical injustice: the role of the Forest Rights Act and the Supreme Court in...
In this post the authors discuss about the ‘due diligence’ obligation with a focus on its scope and its relationship with the intermediary guidelines issued under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
In this 2 part series the authors critically analyse the Health data management policy released by the National Health Authority on 26th August 2020.
In this post the authors critically analyse the Health data management policy released by the National Health Authority on 26th August 2020.
Call for Papers for the Indian Journal of Constitutional Law (IJCL) Vol X. IJCL isa flagship journal of NALSAR University of Law and seeks to promote scholarship on core and comparative...
In this Explainer, our Legal Reporter Shravani, unpacks the substantive and procedural issues with the recent Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Amendment Act, 2020. FCRA 2020 seeks to regulate...
[Ed Note: As part of our series marking 15 Years of Law and Other Things, we bring to you posts from our long-time contributors and supporters! In this post our Senior Editor Nick Robinson traces the...
Shahrukh Alam’s review is the fifth post in our blog’s round-table book discussion on Prof. Jeff Redding’s A Secular Need: Islamic Law and State Governance in Contemporary India moderated by Prof...
Shahrukh Alam’s review is the fifth post in our blog’s round-table book discussion on Prof. Jeff Redding’s A Secular Need: Islamic Law and State Governance in Contemporary India moderated by Prof...
A Round Up of the posts published by Law and Other Things in October 2020.