This is an amazing story. The Airports Authority, a central government entity, is actually going to court to enjoin the local governments from licensing hoardings near Chennai airport. It is amazing...
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is in Kabul today. This story has been largely ignored in the Western press, but it has received considerable attention in India as well as in Afghanistan. I thought...
This is a brief, but poignant piece on the slaying of Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister, which only appears online in the New Yorker. Like other Sri Lankans, I’m outraged at this killing...
There has been great hysteria over this anti-reservation judgment. Someone ought to do a calm, dispassionate analysis of this judgment to determine what exactly the Supreme Court ruled. The Supreme...
I’ve finally given up on Frontpage to do my Blog. I just can’t get why they don’t put out a blogging element to their program. Anyways. Their loss. So, Blogger, here I come.