I am disappointed that two major newspapers (read edits of Mail Today and Business Standard here and here) have opted to buy my friend Manoj Mitta’s thesis that there is a lacuna in Article 74. (Read...
Subhash Chandra Agrawal is an ordinary man with extraordinary determination. His RTI appeal to the CIC resulted in the latter’s direction to the CPIO, Supreme Court, to share the information...
The Supreme Court stayed on January 23 the Bombay High Court’s judgment upholding the Bombay Municipal Commissioner’s discretion to destroy stray dogs in Mumbai, subject to certain...
This study by Rand Corporation is worth reading, even though it relies much on the published secondary literature in the Indian media after the attacks, and does not reveal anything new as such. The...
With the Prime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh having been hospitalised, he will be virtually absent from office on health grounds for a month at least. My friend, Manoj Mitta has suggested in...
The Delhi High Court has overturned the ban on depiction of smoking in films, and the Supreme Court has cleared the screening of ‘Deshdrohi’ in Maharashtra. The latter appears to be an...
The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 2008 has come under much criticism. Having received presidential assent, it only needs notification by the government to be enforced. At the heart of...
That judges are not well paid is a commonly aired grievance and was cited as the reason for the recent hike in judges’ salaries approved by the Union Cabinet. A similar complaint has been repeatedly...
The theme for the January 2009 issue of Halsbury’s Law Monthly is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Globalisation. The issue carries two articles that generally deal with FDI and three that...
It has often been commented that the Chief Justice of India is a remarkably powerful position within the Indian judiciary, and more powerful than most executive justices in courts in other countries...
In a previous post I discussed some research I had done where I found in the last ten years the Chief Justice had never been in dissent in a five judge bench or above. I suggested that this may be...
DEMOCRACY AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN INDIA: A STUDY OF THE BASIC STRUCTURE DOCTRINE.BY Sudhir Krishnaswamy. OUP, Rs.625, pp.244. This very significant book, released during the LASSNET Conference in...
The following guest post is from Sushant Sinha – a student at the University of Michigan and the force behind the searchable legal databases website Indian Kanoon. Our blog has previously...