As India’s vigilante police threaten to punish public display of affection (PDA)in Karnataka and elsewhere by seeking to impose their own versions of Indian culture, it is perhaps time to...
By Guest Blogger: Sandeep Vishnu [Student, III Year, Campus Law Centre, Delhi University] As part of its ongoing series of guest lectures, the Seminar and Discussion Committee of Campus Law Centre...
By Guest Blogger: Manoj Mitta In the controversy over whether the Chief Election Commissioner was empowered to make a suo motu recommendation against an Election Commissioner, one interesting...
Whatever might be the implications for the individuals involved in the current controversy over the Election Commission, the CEC’s second letter to the President raises a very important point...
The recommendation of the CEC to the President has created a constitutional crisis. The Law Minister’s statement that the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) cannot suo motu recommend the removal...
In the update to my previous post, I cast doubts on the correctness of the Supreme Court’s August 7, 2007 order, in view of a vague sentence appearing immediately after the Bench sums up Ram...
The term “judicial activism” is used unhesitatingly to describe the working of the Indian Supreme Court. In an attempt to understand and critique the usage of this term, I examine the...
The 5th National Conference on Electoral and Political Reforms was held in Mumbai on Jan 31 and Feb 1. The conference was organised by the Association of Democratic Reforms (“ADR”) and...
GUEST BLOGGERS: Aditi Gopalakrishnan and Pranav Sachdeva [Both our guest bloggers are students of Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. Aditi (II year)and Pranav (III year) are also members of...
Ramaswamy R. Iyer has a clear and compellingly written op-ed in today’s Indian Express where he seeks to take on some of the views that have been articulated about this continuing controversy. Iyer...
The controversy over the CEC’s recommendation to remove the Election Commissioner, Navin Chawla is raging, even though the documents, crucial to determine the correctness of the recommendation...
N.Ram’s scoop in The Hindu today has stirred up an interesting controversy,(and perhaps agonising as well, in view of its timing) and is likely to dominate public discourse in the coming days...
At the first plenary session of the recently concluded LASSNET conference in New Delhi, Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, gave an insightful talk about the...