Call for Applications: Short-Term Research Scholarships for Emerging Legal Scholars from India

The Chair for Public and Comparative Law at Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann) in collaboration with the journal VRÜ / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America offers two short-term research scholarships for emerging legal scholars from India. Scholarship holders will spend two months (mid October till mid December 2018) in Berlin in order to work on a self-chosen research project. They will be part of a vibrant research community around Professor Philipp Dann and interact with German as well as international researchers at the Chair.

Thematic focus:

We welcome proposals in the area of Indian public law, preferably with (but not limited to) a comparative focus.

Organizational information:

Successful candidates will be part of the team of researchers at the Chair for Public and Comparative Law at the Law Faculty of Humboldt University Berlin. The duration of the stay is two months during the fall of 2018 (mid October till mid December 2018). The aim of the research stay in Berlin is to work on an academic article on a self-chosen topic to be published in VRÜ / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

What is offered?

The scholarship will cover travel expenses (500 €) and a basic support for living expenses (2.000 €). Successful candidates will participate in bi-weekly meetings with the team to discuss their project as well as the works of others and engage in critical discussion on current and general topics in comparative constitutional law. Successful candidates will hold a position as guest researchers at Humboldt University. This status allows them to access to the Law School’s Library as well as other libraries at HU as well as to audit Law School courses on a non-credit basis.

Who can apply?

Early career / emerging scholars (doctoral and post-doctoral phase) normally based in India working on Indian public law.

How to apply?

Submit your CV, a research proposal (no more than 1.000 words, including a concrete research question / thesis and outline of your project, your research method and a paragraph on how the research stay is of benefit to your project) as well as the contact details of two referees who are familiar with your work to

Deadline for applications:

15 April 2018 Successful candidates will be informed in May 2018.

Written by
Tarunabh Khaitan
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7 years ago

Thanks Linda! It was so easy:)

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