A fortnightly feature inspired by I-CONnect’s weekly “What’s New in Public Law” feature that addresses the lacuna of a one-stop-shop public law newsletter in the Indian legal...
A fortnightly feature inspired by I-CONnect’s weekly “What’s New in Public Law” feature that addresses the lacuna of a one-stop-shop public law newsletter in the Indian legal...
The Debates of the Indian Constituent Assembly are considered an important interpretative tool for Indian constitutional law jurisprudence. However, for Jammu and Kashmir (“J&K”), the...
This article has been authored by Siddhant Ranjan. Background Jayaraj and his son J. Beniks were allegedly sexually assaulted and tortured to death by police officials in Sathamkulam, Tamil Nadu. The...
This article has been authored by Akshat Bhushan and Avishek Mehrotra. On May 15, 2020, the Allahabad High Court decided upon a writ petition (‘Azan judgment’) seeking upliftment of the ban on Azan...
The ILS Law College, Pune is hosting a webinar on the topic “A Changing Society and Constitutional Continuity – Experiences in Pursuit of Justice” to celebrate the Birth Centenary...
The Chair for Public and Comparative Law at Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann) in collaboration with the journal VRÜ / WCL offers two short-term research scholarships for emerging...
NALSAR University of Law recently concluded the second edition of its ‘The Courts and the Constitution Conference’ held in partnership with Azim Premji University and the blog Law and Other Things...
In January 2019, Law and Other Things, in collaboration with the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research and Azim Premji University, organized the first Court and Constitution Conference in...
The Supreme Court Observer invites you to attend ‘The Supreme Court in Review, 2019’, in partnership with the NCS chapter of the St. Joseph’s College of Law, Bangalore. The event will bring together...