There are some provisions in our statutes that have absolutely no reason for them to be there or for them to be drafted the way they are. This post terms such provisions as “ghost provisions”. The...
India has seen the rise of multi-crore economic losses caused due to wilful defaults and scams. Individuals like Vijay Mallya are responsible for a loan default worth almost Rs. 9,000 crore, Nirav...
The state of Assam has witnessed several violent protests over the last few months because of the proposed amendments to the Citizenship Laws of the country. Terming the bill as “Anti-Assam,” the...
“There is a tide in the affairs of men (sic), which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now...
It is but natural for a law student to view the interface of music and law strictly from the perspective of copyright law – drafting license agreements and preventing infringement. There are however...
August 3, 2018 was a proud day for the Law and Other Things (LAOT) family. One of the former editors of the blog, Dr. Tarunabh Khaitan, received the inaugural Letten prize for his work on equality...
J. Vineet Saran, J. K.M. Joseph and J. Indira Banerjee were administered oath on 7th August 2018. This set of appointments has been in news for a variety of reasons including the alleged role of the...
I recently wrote 3 guest posts for the Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy blog reflecting on the legal journey of section 377, culminating in the just-concluded hearings in the Supreme Court. ...
India’s new trafficking bill relies exclusively on the stick to achieve its goals. It will fail. Smt Maneka Gandhi, the Indian minister for women & child development, is likely to table...
In this report we aim to analyse the socio-economic impact of judicial delay on the affected parties (such as, under-trial prisoners, corporations, government) and on the subject matter of the...