Numerous articles in the Indian popular press proclaim the 21st century as “India’s century”. Its technocrat President uses every possible platform to propagate his vision of making India a...
Devesh Kapur has recently authored an overview of Indian politics and governance which makes for interesting reading. Subtitled “Conflicting prospects for the world’s most populous democracy,” the...
The recent proposal to re-staff the regulatory agencies in the power sector prompted two very thoughtful responses from Prof Navroz Dubash and Sudha Mahalingam. Navroz argues that countering the...
In Justice Sabharwal’s interview in The Hindu that Arun has referred to, the new CJIS’s views on corruption in the judiciary makes for interesting reading. He says:“Wherever little corruption is...
Yesterday, The Hindu carried a short news-item announcing the appointment of Justice YK Sabharwal as the new CJI with effect from Nov 01, 2005. Today’s edition of the paper features an...
In yesterday’s Hindu, Jairam Ramesh identifies a pressing national priority: “THE UNITED Progressive Alliance Government has embarked on major new publicly-funded programmes in employment generation...
All’s not well with resolving disputes through arbitration in India. Conceived as a faster and less expensive mode of dispute resolution by experts chosen by the parties themselves, arbitration has...
Once again, the relationship between patent rights and public health has made mainstream media –and this time, in the context of the notorious AVIAN FLU, which is spreading rapidly. A recent news...
Yesterday’s Telegraph carries Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s evaluation of Chief Justice Lahoti’s tenure at the helm of the Indian judiciary. (Click here for a related post on this blog). Referring to Chief...
WILLING TO STRIKE BUT AFRAID TO WOUNDThis is the title of an interesting piece [] by N. Ravi which appeared in the Hindu on October 10,2005. While the order of the Supreme Court seems to have won...