The Indian Express has, over the last two days, been reporting about a simmering national debate over the issue of separation of powers between the three wings of government. According to the...
To those who are sceptical of the value of lawblogs, the decision of the University of Chicago Law School to host a faculty blog where several prominent members of its reputed faculty would...
A recent editorial in the Economic and Political Weekly describes the changes brought about by the Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005 calling it “groundbreaking legislation.” According to the EPW...
It is interesting to see how traditional knowledge and bio-resources are becoming increasingly prominent in international intellectual property and trade negotiations. A recent note in MIP (Managing...
In the aftermath of the latest attacks in Delhi, terrorism, and approaches to dealing with it, are understandably uppermost on the minds of most Indians. In the recent past, two contrasting...
In the summer of 1991, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao and his Finance Minister, Manmohan Singh, embarked upon their bold agenda to reform India’s economy and regulatory framework. The set in...
I am quite puzzled by Chief Justice Lahoti’s reported statements to the press on his last day in office. (Among other statements, I found it interesting that the departing Chief Justice found it...
Numerous articles in the Indian popular press proclaim the 21st century as “India’s century”. Its technocrat President uses every possible platform to propagate his vision of making India a...
Devesh Kapur has recently authored an overview of Indian politics and governance which makes for interesting reading. Subtitled “Conflicting prospects for the world’s most populous democracy,” the...
The recent proposal to re-staff the regulatory agencies in the power sector prompted two very thoughtful responses from Prof Navroz Dubash and Sudha Mahalingam. Navroz argues that countering the...