With reservation being made an enabling provision in the latest jurisprudence in Mukesh Kumar, this article argues that the provisions of the Constitution in fact place a "power plus duty" upon the...
The author posits that 'rights-not-to' must be construed along a private-public spectrum in the context of its social impact. The article illustrates this by comparing Prof. Nan Hunter's more...
Drawing on Professor B.B. Pande's framework on marginalisation, the article explores how criminal law marginalises communities through their invisibility. It illustrates this through the ambiguity in...
The article examines the possibility of the Supreme Court of India legalising same-sex marriage. Through an analysis of the four legislations invoked by various petitioners: The Hindu Marriage Act...
In this two-part series, the author analyzes Justice D.Y. Chandrachud’s reasoning while tackling the challenge of Article 17 in the Sabarimala Temple Entry Case (“Sabarimala”). Chandrachud J. took a...
In this two-part series, the author analyzes Justice D.Y. Chandrachud’s reasoning while tackling the challenge of Article 17 in the Sabarimala Temple Entry Case (“Sabarimala”). Chandrachud J. took a...
In this article, Rushil Batra critiques the inherent subjectivity of the ERP test in the context of the hijab ban. Instead, he posits that the sincerely held belief test is the best approach to...
Given the rise in disputes regarding Hindu and Islamic places of worship, this explainer analyzes the constitutionality of The Places of Worship Act, 1991. It unpacks the arguments related to the cut...
The Centre for Law and Policy Research (CLPR) is excited to announce the 6th edition of ConQuest: India’s Premiere National Quiz on the Indian Constitution, History and Politics. Since its first...
The Everyday In Sedition in Liberal Democracies, Dr. Singh “juxtaposes the understanding of sedition emerging from the higher judiciary with the practice of the law on the ground.” Her chosen field...