The Law and Other Things Blog has run a book discussion on Julia Stephen’s Governing Islam: Law, Empire and Secularism in South Asia. The essays, in chronological order, are below: Introduction (by...
HLS Library Book Talk | Supreme Court of India: The Beginnings I’m coming at this obliquely, firstly, because I’m a scholar of the colonial period of India’s legal history. And so where I end, George...
The book “Supreme Court of India – The Beginnings” is a study of the role of the Federal Court in India, which was the precursor to the Supreme Court, and the initial years of the Supreme Court. The...
You are cordially invited to attend a conference on International Human Rights Day (December 10th) at the Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India to discuss the legal and policy responses to gender-biased...
Abhinav Chandrachud’s Republic of Rhetoric: Free Speech and the Constitution of India (2017) is not Gautam Bhatia’s Offend, Shock and Disturb: Free Speech under the Indian Constitution (2016)...
Posted on behalf of Sital Kalantry New Book: Women’s Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Law in the United States and India published by the University of Pennsylvania Press 2017 In...