[Over the past couple of months, we have been running a book discussion on Oishik Sircar’s “Violent Modernities: Cultural Lives of Law in New India”. This is the final review by Parthasarathi...
AnnouncementsComparative LawConstitutional InterpretationConstitutional LawCourtsCriminal LawFederalismFundamental RightsJudgment AnalysisLegislative ReformNew ScholarshipScholarshipsSeparation of Powers
Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, NALSAR releases Vol 9 (2020) | A Mélange of Scholarship on Indian and Comparative Constitutional Law Issues
[Ed Note: We are happy to report the release of IJCL’s Vol. 9 (2020). This Volume of the Journal seems quite promising with 11 pieces in the form of 7 Articles, 2 Essays and 2 Case Comments...
The Chair for Public and Comparative Law at Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann) in collaboration with the journal VRÜ / WCL offers two short-term research scholarships for emerging...
DESCRIPTION The Alex Chernov JD Scholarship/Alex Chernov Master of Laws (LLM) Scholarship will be awarded for the first time in 2017 to students from India commencing at Melbourne Law School in 2018...