LAOT is pleased to announce that OUP has just published a book by one of our contributors, Pratiksha Baxi. Sexual violence in general, and rape in particular, is under-reported in India. The...
The Daksh – India Together Election 2014 Data Journalism Fellowship Call for Applications Oorvani Foundation, a non-profit media foundation that supports independent public affairs...
Mayur Suresh and Siddharth Narrain have produced a fantastic volume on taking stock of the last two decades of the Supreme Court of India. Titled, The Shifting Scales of Justice: The Indian Supreme...
In today’s Indian Express, I’ve written this piece on Narenda Modi and the 2002 Gujarat riots
The CENTRE FOR POLICY RESEARCH is delighted to invite you to seminar titled ‘Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Judgment in Kaushal v. Naz Foundation’ Ashok Desai, Senior Advocate Shyam...
Jindal Global Law School has out a call for student papers for a conference April 3rd to 5th on Critical Inquiries in Law and Social Transformation. Abstracts are due February 1st. Details can be...
The Centre for Policy Research is delighted to invite you to a seminar on Litigating the Right to Health: Can Courts Bring Justice to Health? ...
The Supreme Court’s website lists the review petition for Koushal as coming up for consideration on January 28th. The Orinam blog provides a nice primer on how the review process works in...
The Journal of Indian Law and Society has released a call for papers for a special issue of the journal to honour Lotika Sarkar entitled “Indian Feminisms, Law Reform and the Law Commission of...
Shyam Balganesh, who teaches at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and has previously published in journals including the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, and Columbia Law Review, has an...
What has been the record of the Supreme Court in protecting the environment? Geetanjoy Sahu in a recent article in the Economic and Political Weekly examines every Supreme Court case dealing with...
CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS FOR FOREIGN LAW CLERKS The Justices of the Constitutional Court of South Africa are pleased to invite applications from outstanding...