I have this blog post up on Jotwell this week reviewing Gail Hupper’s article Educational Ambivalence: The Rise of a Foreign-Student Doctorate in Law. The article is on the history of the...
Tom Ginsburg, who is the Deputy Dean and Leo Spitz Professor of International Law, University of Chicago Law School, will be speaking on Judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory at the Centre...
FRIDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2015 10:30 AM TO 4:00 PM Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research India is amongst the few regimes with a constitutional commitment to a liberal democracy that...
For those interested The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative has a new website called Virtual Police Station that provides a detailed tour of an Indian police station including what victims...
As the Supreme Court’s Constitution Bench continues its unusual consequential hearing on the question of reforming the Collegium to recruit Judges on November 18, the doubts and...
The Indian Journal of International Economic Law is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issues – Volume 8(1) and 8(2). The Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is a law...
Such is the gravitational pull of the issue of the constitutional validity of the NJAC decision, replete with surprise, that the issue of judicial recusal in certain situations is not discussed at...
The SCI did not hold that Parliament may not ever contemplate bringing about a change in the method of appointing justices; it only (and rightly) insisted that the NJAC changes did not comply with...
The Supreme Court of India (SCI) has, in October 2015, done diverse things but, most of what it has accomplished is an enriching 1053 pages 4:1 decision that nullified the National Judicial...
In last week’s Mint, I discuss an early controversy over judicial appointments. Shortly before Republic Day in 1950, Nehru had second thoughts about the first chief justice. But Patel pushed...
In this recent piece in the Indian Express I argue that with the collegium system restored the primary question now turns to how to improve it. To be clear, I take no position in the piece (or...
The following is a guest post by Dolashree Mysoor, who is a Research Associate at the Azim Premji University, and works with the University’s Hub for Education Law and...