This post discusses the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, focusing on some of its key features as well the limitations and inconsistencies posed by it.
Ed Note – We are hosting an international blog symposium on India and Global Decline in Democracies as a part of our New Scholarship initiative. We will be discussing Professor Tarunabh...
Ed Note: As part of our New Scholarship Section, we have been inviting discussants to respond to specific articles. This Response Piece is part of a series of posts indexed here discussing the public...
In this post the author contendsthat the Ordinance exemplifies religious nationalism, and infringes the right to dignity, privacy and choice of interfaith couples.
Deirdre N. Dlugoleski’s detailed response to the post(s) from C.R. Bijoy and Shalini Iyengar regarding her Article in the Indian Law Review titled “Undoing historical injustice: the role of the...
In this post the author summarizes his research article - "Basic without Structure? : The presidential order of 1954 and the Indo-J&K constitutional relationship" published in the Issue 2 of 2020...
Ed Note – We are hosting an international blog symposium on India and Global Decline in Democracies as a part of our New Scholarship initiative. We will be discussing Professor Tarunabh...
Sahil discusses some crucial new changes introduced by the Code on Social Security, 2020 and its potential limitations in light of the recent release of the corresponding Code on Social Security...
In this piece, the author analyses the effect of the Supreme Court's judgement in the Shaheen Bagh case on the right to protest safeguarded in any democracy.
Ed Note– We are hosting an international blog symposium on India and Global Decline in Democracies as a part of our New Scholarship initiative. We will be discussing Professor Tarunabh...
In this post, the authors respond to Alok Prasanna's piece on domicile reservations, published in the Economic and Political Weekly. They argue that domicile reservations could make National Law...
Ed Note– We are hosting an international blog symposium on India and Global Decline in Democracies as a part of our New Scholarship initiative. We will be discussing Professor Tarunabh...
In this post, the authors argue that the recent Farm Bills are beyond the legislative competence of the union government, and the process of passage of these bills evaded parliamentary procedure.