Now that President’s rule has been revoked in Karnataka, to facilitate the assumption of office by the BJP-led Government, it is perhaps time to look back and examine how the events ought to have...
Today’s Economic Times carries an article by Sunil Khilnani that raises serious questions about India’s increasing focus towards economic growth to the exclusion of other important concerns. He...
The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Judicial Reforms had alleged that Justice Y.K.Sabharwal called for and dealt with the sealing of commercial property case in March 2005, though it was not...
This post continues the theme addressed in the previous one. Harish Khare , the political editor of the Hindu, has a stimulating and provocative piece in today’s issue where he begins by commenting...
In a previous post, Vikram drew our attention to recent events in Pakistan, and invited comparisons to debates about judicial activism in India. Even the most bitter critic of judicial activism (in...
In view of extraordinary interest in my posts on oral arguments in the Mandal II case, I am posting below the summaries of rejoinders of Harish Salve and K.K.Venugopal, as I could gather from my...
Dr.Rajeev Dhawan, one of the counsel for the petitioners, replied to the arguments of the respondents’ counsel on Oct.31 and Nov.1. This is a selective summary of his oral arguments. 1. The...
The Constitution Bench completed the hearing today. I will sum up the oral replies of P.P.Rao, Dr.Rajeev Dhawan, Harish Salve and K.K.Venugopal to the arguments of respondents’ counsel. In view of...
It was amazing to find how Ram Jethmalani relied on just a two-page judgment delivered by a Seven-Judge Bench in 1951 to show that the petitioners in this case have no merits. It is a matter of...
A Reflection on the Indian Professoriate and its relevance for contemporary legal education in India
On Oct 07, the Hindu carried this brief tribute to Professor Daya Krishna, the former Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rajasthan who passed away on Oct 05. Today’s...
Today, Ram Jethmalani, counsel for Rashtriya Janata Dal, began his submissions. He chose the interim order of Justice Pasayat staying the implementation of the OBC reservations in Central Government...
Personal circumstances have prevented me from being active on the blog. However, I have followed the debate over Roy’s Oct 2007 article in Outlook as it has unfolded here. My purpose in this post is...
Indira Jaising has a column in today’s Express where she provides snapshots and analysis from a report prepared by Lawyers Collective (which played a pivotal role in pushing the Act through)...