Vikram undertook a thorough and incisive review of the Delhi High Court decision in the Naz Foundation case in three remarkable posts on this blog. Since then, Arvind Narrain...
The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law will have an online symposium tomorrow October 11th. Prof. Kent Roach’s “Judicial Review of Anti-Terrorism Legislation: The Post-9/11 Experience...
The targeted kidnapping and beheading of a Jharkhand police inspector, almost certainly by Naxalites, is seen as taking the conflict to a new level. Chhattisgarh-based doctor Binayak Sen (whose...
A sense of irony is the only way for me to describe how I felt when I heard about Balagopal’s death. Ordinary people leading ordinary lives die of heart attacks. And despite the simplicity with which...
The Delhi High Court has admitted the Supreme Court’s appeal against Justice Ravindra Bhat’s Sep.2 judgment in the assets case. LAOT’s earlier posts can be read by clicking the...
In a recent article in the British journal Public Law, Shubhankar Dam critiques the Indian Supreme Court’s decision in Rameshwar Prasad. Dam argues that the Court incorrectly identified the...
1. My article, quoting anonymous I.P.experts at Spicy IP and a TTD’s advisor, on why the grant of G.I status to Tirupathi laddu is improper. I ask whether it is an instance of use of a secular...
A quick glance across the web page profiling former judges of the Supreme Court of India left me startled. The list of judges begins with (the famous) Justice Khanna, appointed in 1971, leaving all...
A Maharashtra Assembly ticket given by the Congress party to President Pratibha Patil’s son not only questions the independence of the president’s office, it highlights one of the gravest...
The excessive delay in disposing of mercy petitions has received much public attention recently, especially in the case of Afzal Guru. Last week the Supreme Court expressed its concern about this...
The Indian Express published an editorial of mine, where I argue that India needs to urgently delink drug regulation from intellectual property issues, since the aims and objectives of these regimes...
There is an interesting review of the movie Kaminey, titled Social Dystopia or Entrepreneurial Fantasy: The Significance of Kaminey (here), by M.K. Raghavendra, film critic and scholar, in the...
I am not a scientist, and this is not a science blog. But the just-published study in Nature may have interesting implications for some important legal and political debates around caste. India, the...