Here is a good summary of the debate on the CNBC-TV18 India Tonight programme on the Justice Dinakaran issue, moderated by Karan Thapar last week. In this only interview he has given so far to any...
Vivek Reddy’s most-admired piece seems to have contributed to a healthy debate on the subject of recusals. Here, I wish to share with readers two interesting responses I received – one...
Recusals at the highest court, particularly in sensitive cases tend to be controversial. In an Op-ed piece in the Indian Express, I examine whether the recent recusals from the Supreme Court are...
I have just come across a fascinating case that was recently decided by the Karnataka High Court (judgment here). The petitioner challenged the admission of certain persons under the quota reserved...
Here is the speech Manoj Mitta delivered in the British Parliament before the All Party Human Rights Group on November 4 at an event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Sikh massacre of 1984...
Today’s Indian Express has a thought provoking editorial on the role of “civil society” in a democracy. There is also an interesting opinion by Dheeraj Nayyar on the same issue. The...
The latest issue of the EPW includes four articles on gender justice that may be of interest to readers: 1. Flavia Agnes on property, conjugality and maintenance; 2. Indira Jaisingh on the Domestic...
Two recent pieces on access to healthcare may interest our readers: (i) this Outlook story shows how the meager healthcare resources at AIIMS that are currently accessible by the poor may not...
The Provident Fund scam in the Ghaziabad District Court, which came to light in January 2008, may be a tip of the iceberg. The huge ramifications of the scandal probably explain why we are nowhere...
Two thoughts, which (with apologies) raise questions without providing answers: (1) The attitude of those in power in Russia towards Stalin (see LA Times, Russia Reconsiders), reminded me mildly of...
Socio-Legal Review welcomes contributions for its sixth volume to be released in 2010. About the Journal The Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal...
Indian Ambassador to the US Meera Shankar’s recent letter to the PMO listing seven instances in which US companies (including a subsidiary of Dow Chemicals) bribed Indian officials has caused a...
I did a review recently of Amartya Sen’s Idea of Justice for Infochangeindia which I thought some of you may be interested in. Of course it is tough to do justice to a book in a short review...