Online Symposium Starting Tomorrow on Judicial Review of Anti-Terrorism Legislation

The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law will have an online symposium tomorrow October 11th. Prof. Kent Roach’s “Judicial Review of Anti-Terrorism Legislation: The Post-9/11 Experience and Normative Experiences for Judicial Review” is the centerpiece to the Symposium.

Christina Eckes from the Amsterdam Centre European Law and Public Policy, University of Amsterdam, Shylashri Shankar from the Centre for Policy Research, and Aparna Chandra from the National Law School, Bangalore, will be respondents to the piece. Others are also encouraged to contribute their comments over the coming days and/or simply join to watch (or rather read) the discussion. I’m sure it will be a lively debate. I have never actually “attended” an online symposium and am looking forward to doing so.

Written by
Nick Robinson
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