NUJS Law Review (Oct-Dec 2009)

In this recent post, I had drawn attention to the print issue of this journal. Happily, the editors have now put up the contents of the volume online, which are available here.

Apart from the article analysing the Indian Supreme Court’s decision in Santosh Bariyar which has huge implications for the future of death penalty law that was adverted to earlier, the issue features pieces on : juvenile justice in India (authored by Professor Ved Kumari, one of the leading Indian experts on the issue); juvenile justice in Nigeria; patentability of ‘incremental innovation’ under the Indian Patents Act; an analysis of the Indian Bayh-Dole Act; abortion law in India (drawing comparative insights from the US); the implications of the significant ruling of the Pakistan Supreme Court in Nadeem Ahmad (July 2009); regulating hate speech law in India; and judicial independence and judicial power in India (including an analysis of recent controversies such as the still unfolding Justice Dinakaran issue and the Judges (Declaration of Assets and Liabilities) Bill 2009).

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