New Journal on Indian Constitutional Law

Students and faculty of NALSAR University of Law deserve our congratulations for bringing out an outstanding Journal – The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law.. While the Journal may be published once or twice a year, the agenda it has set before itself, is very promising as well as challenging. The aim of the Journal – as set forth in its inaugural issue – is to remedy the lack of authoritative academic writing devoted to the analysis of Constitutional Law. In the editorial, the Journal’s editors have outlined the series of institutional conflicts which characterised much of the discussion during the last one or two years, keeping in view the significant role which Judiciary plays in governance these days. The editorial concludes making a forceful plea for a new model of judicial accountability, because it observes the Supreme Court has hijacked the sphere of appointments to Higher Judiciary.
Prof.Amita Dhanda’s review of the late Prof.S.P.Sathe’s works and Soli J.Sorabjee’s tribute to M.K.Nambyar, one of India’s finest Constitutional Lawyers and legal luminaries are contributions, which I would regard as must-read. The other contributions in the inaugural issue would equally be regarded as a treat by co-bloggers. The inaugural issue can be accessed here.

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madras talkies
madras talkies
17 years ago

Thought this may be of interest to some –
(International Junior Faculty Conference to be held at Stanford in October 2008)

17 years ago

I am not sure if this link works since nothing seems to happen if I click on it

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