New Blog at NLS Bangalore

I am pleased to announce a new blog that is part of an initiative at the National Law School, Bangalore. The blog provides a forum for students at the law school to discuss and debate current legal issues, and is likely to infuse a great deal of vibrancy in the way in which legal education is currently carried out in India. Hopefully, it won’t be long before other law schools follow suit.

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  • Congratulations on the launch of the new blog at NLS Bangalore! Looking forward to insightful discussions and legal perspectives from the esteemed faculty and students. Best wishes for success in fostering legal discourse and knowledge-sharing.

  • Hey,



    I just visited your website( and found it very interesting and informative.



    Do you think I can post some good articles as a Contributor or Blog about similar Topics matching your content theme?



    I am interested in writing articles related to “Legal”.



    I can blog on similar topics your website has and contribute frequently.



    I am looking forward to hearing from you!



