Our Independence Day also marks the 150th anniversary of the Madras High Court. The Hindu published an excellent opinion editorial on the subject by Justice Chandru who is a sitting judge. He calls for a social audit of the High Court’s performance, which is something all our courts probably need. He also calls for doing away with the summer vacation and having rotational leave among judges and allowing Tamil as a language in which pleadings can be made. I’m also struck by this profile of Chandru who appears to have dispensed with colonial practices and customs that are still in vogue at the High Court.
A mass movement led by students has ushered in a new dawn in Bangladesh. What began as a claim for reform of the quota system transformed into a national movement to oust Bangladesh’s long-standing...
A mass movement led by students has ushered in a new dawn in Bangladesh. What began as a claim for reform of the quota system transformed into a national movement to oust Bangladesh’s long standing...
A mass movement led by students has ushered in a new dawn in Bangladesh. What began as a claim for reform of the quota system transformed into a national movement to oust Bangladesh’s long-standing...
A fortnightly feature inspired by I-CONnects weekly What’s New in Public Law feature that addresses the lacuna of a one-stop-shop public law newsletter in the Indian legal space. What’s new at...
[As part of our New Scholarship section, we have been inviting discussants to respond to the public law-themed articles featured in Volume 5 the Indian Law Review. You can access all the posts in...