Life and Law in Delhi’s Terrorism Trials | Centre for Criminal Justice Reform and Research, NALSAR

Centre for Criminal Justice Reform and Research Invites you to a talk Life and Law in Delhi’s Terrorism Trials by Dr. Mayur Suresh. Mayur Suresh is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Law at SOAS.

Socio-legal scholars of the global south have often located legal institutions in a legal pluralism framework. This means that the law is seen to be permeated by society and legal disputes can be looked at to understand social disputes. This suggests that the law and legal institutions are colonised by society. Is there a way of understanding life inside of legal institutions? Are legal disputes always already social disputes?


In this session, Suresh looks at another way of approaching an ethnography of the trial process. Through his ethnography of terrorism trials in Delhi, he argues that the mundane technical aspects of the trial can engender modes of sociality within the trial process.

When: 24th March (Wednesday/ 12 noon), India Time
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Mayur Suresh was awarded a PhD from Birkbeck, University of London for this thesis titled ‘Terrorist’ lives in Delhi’s courts: An ethnography of the legal worlds of terrorism trials. This research is based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork terrorism cases that took place in Delhi’s trial courts. Prior to commencing his doctoral studies, Mayur practiced law in Delhi, where he and his colleagues represented a wide variety of clients: from women in domestic violence and matrimonial cases, to trade unions in industrial relations proceedings, to property disputes, to criminal defence and anti-terror cases. He received his B.A. LL.B. (Hons) from National Law School of India and LLM from Columbia University.

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