Indian Law Review invites submissions for Case Notes or Legislative Notes on any case decided or legislation passed in India in 2017 (pending cases/bills may be considered if exceptional). A Note should be around 5,000 words (including footnotes). Apart from summarizing the case or legislation in question, it should situate it in the current body of law and analyse its implications. Existing scholarship on the issue involved should be engaged with. Comparative analyses examining similar developments in other jurisdictions are also welcome. They should be scholarly and rigorous, and need to do a lot more than a typical blog post in order to be publishable. For guidance, you can view examples of Notes we have published on our website (which now has our first as well as second issues of 2017 online–some of the content is free for a limited time).
We will offer a cash prize of INR 12,000 (Indian Rupees Twelve Thousand only) for each Note that is ultimately published in the Indian Law Review (the prize will be awarded in equal shares if the piece is co-authored). This Prize is intended to encourage contributions from early-career researchers. In order to be eligible for the prize, the author(s) must be:
(i) Currently pursuing a PhD on a legal subject or be within three years of the award of a PhD on a legal subject, or
(ii) In active legal practice for no longer than seven years.
The deadline for submitting a Case Note or a Legislative Note for this Prize is 21 January 2018 (submissions made after that date would still be considered for publication, but will not be eligible for this prize. Submissions made before the deadline are encouraged, and will be eligible). Any shortlisted author must also commit to working with the editors to improve the submission in light of reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
Submissions can be made on our dedicated submissions portal (please also email <tarunabh.khaitan[at]> separately, after submission, indicating that you wish to be considered for this Prize and explaining how you satisfy the eligibility criteria. Contributors are advised to read these Instructions for authors before making any submission. Potential contributors may direct any queries (including the suitability of their chosen area of law for the Note) to our Notes Editor Dr Prabha Kotiswaran <prabha.kotiswaran[at]>.
Individuals in India can subscribe to the ILR for a discounted cost of USD 25 per year.