Detailed analysis of the recent Novartis rulings

The Novartis case has seen some significant developments in recent weeks which have been closely analysed by our colleague, Shamnad, on the group blog, SPICY IP. The posts have also generated considerable discussion, some of which may be a little beyond non-IP specialists, but are interesting nevertheless. Apart from the public policy implications of the case, what makes these developments interesting is that the central questions raised travel beyond IP law into larger questions of constitutional law and adjudication.

Shamnad’s description and analysis of the Madras High Court’s two separate rulings in the case are here and here. For his take on the reactions of Novartis and the Indian government to the rulings, and the policy implications involved, see this more recent post.

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Thriyambak J.
Thriyambak J.
17 years ago

There are certain views that are also expressed about this case by a counsel who was actively involved in the case. He was representing a generic drug manufacturer. His views can be seen on his site :

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