Please find below a call for papers being posted on behalf of the editors of the Delhi Law Review. I hope that the DLR, like other law school journals, puts its archives online soon.
Delhi Law Review (DLR), one of the oldest law journals in India, invites articles from academicians, independent researchers and students for its forthcoming edition. The articles may be on any contemporary legal issue and must not exceed 3,000 words. Biographical information of the contributor should be provided on a separate page. Regarding the style of referencing, please refer to the past issues of D.L.R. Importantly, speaking footnotes are discouraged.
A soft copy of the article must be emailed to with the subject ‘Submission for DLR 2010.’
Those contributors whose articles have been selected for publication shall be informed as soon as the selection process has been completed. Contributors are requested to submit only original work which is not under consideration with another publication.
The last date for submission is August 31, 2010. No submissions will be considered after this date.
What about practising lawyers? Can they contribute too?