The Law and Other Things Blog is opening up applications for the position of Student Analysts for students from law schools all over the country.
About the Blog
LAOT, India’s oldest public law blog was founded in 2005 by a few enthusiastic, young legal scholars, to blog as well as share posts and articles about India’s constitutional & legal developments. Since 2017, the Blog has been managed by the student team from NALSAR University of Law under the active supervision of our Senior Editorial Board, all of whom are well-established scholars/practitioners in public law.
LAOT’s publishing process focuses on mentoring writers by offering them the opportunity to receive feedback from some of the most distinguished people in the field. They are one of the only law Blogs in India with a strong peer review system with all our posts being reviewed by the Senior Editorial Board members before publication.
Currently, the Senior Editorial Board comprises Anurag Bhaskar, Aparna Chandra, Chinmayi Arun, Dayaar Singla, Disha Wadekar, Malavika Prasad, Mohsin Alam Bhat, Nick Robinson, Nikita Sonavane, Raeesa Vakil, Venkat Venkatesan, and Vikram Raghavan. Working as Analysts will provide the students to get their pieces reviewed by these members.
During the last year, the Blog has kept up its momentum by publishing various explainers and analytical pieces by student authors as well as legal practitioners. They have also continued our Roundtable Discussions on recent articles in the New Scholarship section. They also, produce audio-based content on a variety of different topics and are looking at expanding the same this year.
About the Position
The Analyst position offers students the opportunity to build a solid public law writing portfolio and to be closely mentored by a member of the Editorial Committee or an external member with specific expertise on subject areas that are of interest to the applicant.
Roles & Responsibilities
- The Analysts will be required to write two 1200-word posts every month on contemporary developments in public law. These pieces will be part explanatory and part analytical.
- The Analysts may be exempted for 2 months during the year and be required to write only 1 post for another 2 months (exam months/internship break).
- In addition, Analysts shall be required to assist the Student Editorial Board of the Blog with responsibilities such as newsletters, interview series, audio-based content for the website, etc. as may be decided from time to time by the Core Editorial Team.
Eligibility Criteria
Students from law schools all over the country.
Number of Positions
4-6 Positions. They may further increase the number of positions depending upon applications received.
All selected students shall be kept on a probationary period of 2 months initially which may be extended, if required.
How to Apply?
- As part of the selection process, applicants are required to send one piece on any contemporary legal development in the field of public law. Please go through the explainers by their previous analysts to understand the kind of pieces that will be expected if the applicant is selected.
- The broad idea is to cover a complex contemporaneous topic, legislation, case law, etc., and explain it to the general public while also attempting to briefly cover all opinions published around the said legal development.
- Please keep the pieces limited to 1200-1500 words. Exceeding the word limit will be penalized.
- Please email your submission to with the Subject: “First Name_Analyst”.
Application Deadline
The final date for submission is August 30, 2023.
Contact Information
For any queries, write to