Book Launch & Conference on Women’s Human Rights

You are cordially invited to attend a conference on International Human Rights Day (December 10th) at the Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India to discuss the legal and policy responses to gender-biased sex selection in India and the United States.  Acting Chief Judge of the Delhi High Court, Hon. Justice Mittal, will be releasing my book, Women’s Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States and India.  Fifteen renowned gender rights experts from India and the United States – including a contributor to his blog, Aparna Chandra – will be speaking. Colin Gonsalves, one of the most preeminent public interest litigators in India, will deliver a lecture on the Indian Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on women’s rights. The conference is hosted by Jindal Global Law School and Cornell Law School.

To view the full conference program, please click here:

To RSVP for the free conference, please click here:

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