The full text of the historic judgment delivered by the Bangladesh Supreme Court banning religious parties and upholding secularism in that country is here.
* Lok Sabha Speaker’s reasoning as to why she disallowed the notices for adjournment motion. (Pages 4-5). Considering that a Government cannot consider itself failing in its duties, can an...
*PUCL v. UOI. W.P.(C) 196/2001. (Food security case) Order dated July 27. Next date of hearing: August 12, 2010. *HT report on the hearing by Justice Katju Bench (M/s Nouveau Capitaland Fin.Ltd. v...
* Sitaram Yechury’s provocative piece on why we should keep the word socialism in the Preamble: Rework the Agenda *Shyam Divan’s obit on Atul Setalvad: Raising the Bar *The All India Bar...
Guest Post by Shekhar Hattangadi* A fountain-pen and a few paintings have recently captured the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Here is my column (“Pens and Pennants”) on the Gandhi Pen and...
Guest Blogger: Kaushik Krishnan The Supreme Court recently dismissed a petition filed by an NGO arguing for the removal of the word `socialist’ from the Constitution’s Preamble. The...
Supreme Court’s order dismissing the petition against the use of the word, “socialism” in Preamble to the Constitution appears paradoxical. The Bench was correct in saying that no...
Supreme Court finally lifted its ill-advised stay of Bombay High Court’s order lifting the ban on James Laine’s book on Shivaji. Supreme Court’s order, delivered by Justices D.K...
One of our regular and esteemed readers, Shekhar Hattangadi, has written this interesting piece in today’s DNA, expressing his disappointment with the judgment on Narco tests. Shekhar is a...
*My article on the making of the new mining law, the Draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2010, to replace the existing Act. *Another article on the merits of the all India Bar...