The question, `After Jayalalithaa, Who?’, may sound premature to the followers of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, J.Jayalalithaa, but it can no longer be avoided, especially when she is confined to...
Guest Post by Rudrajyoti Ray, Advocate, New Delhi and Kolkata It is murder, if the intentional infliction of bodily injury is sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death. In February...
Guest Post by Adithya Reddy Gautam Bhatia’s book on free speech is a first of its kind work on any Part III right. It will be indispensable reading for any future research on the constitutional...
As Vikram has previously noted, Part XIII of the Indian Constitution (regarding trade, commerce and intercourse within India) has once again arisen for interpretation. These provisions draw upon (but...
Guest Post by Ashwin Murthy Net neutrality in its most basic understanding is the principle that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and the Government regulating the Internet must treat all data of...
In the last post on GST, Adithya Reddy highlighted some speeches by members of the Constituent Assembly. Two of those are germane to our present discussion. One is by Mr. Mahavir Tyagi: “Because...
Guest Post By Tony Anghie [Professor V.S. Mani passed away on August 22, 2016. This is a solicited guest post by Professor Antony Anghie of the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore...
Guest Post by Adithya Reddy The constitution amendments introduced to give effect to the proposed levy of Goods & Services Tax (GST) are primarily enabling amendments conferring concurrent...
[The following announcement is posted on behalf of the National Law School of India Review] The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue –...