The lead stories in today’s online issue of the Indian Express and the Hindu would have readers believe that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has fired a salvo at the judiciary, thereby raising...
At the outset, let me welcome Mr.Vivek Reddy to our lively blog. I look forward to reading similar spirited debates, which the SC’s Mandal decision has provoked in our blog.To begin with, I...
Over the last two days, the Indian Express has carried excerpts from a public lecture recently delivered by Chief Justice J. S. Verma. The two parts of the lecture as carried in the IE are available...
Let me begin my first blog by thanking Arun and Vikram for allowing me to join the blog team. I cannot think of any other place – print & electronic – where there is more lively and active...
Pursuant to an earlier post on this topic, the Madras (Chennai) High Court has transferred the Novartis matter to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB). As I’d mentioned earlier...
Like others on the blog, I have been trying to come to grips with the decision of the Supreme Court to stay OBC quotas in the Ashoke Kumar Thakur case. The complexity of the issues involved is...
Mr.Vivek Reddy’s well thought-out response (carried in the comments section of my earlier post) requires a detailed critique. While I have posed certain specific questions to him, I am using this...
Just came across Adam Liptak’s interesting piece titled “When Rendering Decisions, Judges Are Finding Law Reviews Irrelevant” in the New York Times. Liptak captures an interesting...
The language of the Supreme Court’s stay of section 6 of the Central Educational Institutions (Reservations in Admissions) Act, 2006 makes for strange reading. In the last paragraph, it says: “In the...
The Supreme Court’s interim judgment in the Ashoka Kumar Thakur vs. Union of India and Ors. granting a stay on the OBC reservations in Central Educational Institutions requires a careful study and I...