An oft-repeated adage in the financial markets goes, “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold”. This element of financial contagion stands out starkly in the US subprime crisis...
Given the political uncertainty caused by the ‘debate’ over the 123 agreement, the seemingly abstract debate about the constitutional status of Election Commissioners (other than the...
The purpose of this post is to make a somewhat obvious and trite point, which, however, seems to be worth reiterating in current times. Kaushik Basu has a recent column in the HT which articulates...
The Times of India has carried Justice Sabharwal’s response to some of the allegations levelled against him by the Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms. A response from Campaign for...
As part of its efforts to celebrate the 60th anniversary of India’s independence, DNA requested me to write an article on India and intellectual property. For those interested, it can be found...
The purpose of this brief post is to provide updates or alternative views on issues that were featured in previous blog posts, while pointing to an interesting analysis of a previously unexplored...
Yesterday’s newspapers carried reports of a case where the Supreme Court pronounced upon the question whether breach of promise to marry could amount to rape. A link to a report in the Hindu is here...
In the previous post, V. Venkatesan drew our attention to the exchange between Additional Solicitor General Vikas Singh and a Supreme Court bench hearing the ‘Delhi sealing case’. In...
Angry exchanges between the Bar and the Bench during the course of the hearings are unusual, as they bring to the fore the innate feelings of unpleasantness against individual members of these two...
I second Rampal of the Bailey’s request for day-to-day updates on the Supreme Court hearing of the reservation case. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Venkatesan for the first time in person on...