I believe the Naz Foundation case has the potential to become one of the most significant cases in Indian constitutional jurisprudence, and I am glad that we are following its route through our legal...
It has been the general perception that the Supreme Court has been mostly supportive of the State’s liberalization agenda since the 1990s. This judgment by Justices Sinha and Sirpurkar in the case of...
The Lawyers’ Collective report on the first day of hearing in the challenge to s. 377 is available on their website, which promises to provide daily updates of the hearing. Arvind Narrain...
Rajeev Dhavan’s article in Mail Today on the Delhi High Court’s recent judgment in the M.F.Husain case deserves a close read. His article is useful to get an understanding of the legal...
The PUDR has brought out its report on Narco Analysis, carrying in full Dr.Ramanatham Memorial Lecture, delivered last year in New Delhi by Dr.Amar Jesani. The report and the lecture can be accessed...
In the Mandal II judgment, Justice Raveendran raised an interesting issue, but left it unanswered. It was whether the OBC candidates, if selected under the merit list, should be counted against OBC...
The California Supreme Court’s decision legalising same sex marriages has been hailed as a landmark decision. The purpose of referring to this decision is to post a curtain-raiser to an...
The Supreme Court in its judgment delivered today in the case of Shoukat Hussain Guru appears to have admitted its helplessness in correcting a flaw in its judgment, after the dismissal of review and...
Well, that is how I shall describe today’s proceedings of Pan-IIM Alumni Association v. Union of India (W.P.[c] 3449/2008] before the Delhi High Court Bench comprising Justices T.S.Thakur and...
It has been the general perception that the law of torts is not as well developed in India as in the West. While there is some basis to this perception, there has been some very good judgments by the...