A recent story in the Mint exposes a questionable letter from the US Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke to his Indian counterpart, Anand Sharma, the Hon’ble Minister of Commerce. I extract the...
Guest Post by Vasudha NagarajThe Gram Nyayalaya: The New Face of the Judiciary The Gram Nyayalayas Act passed in January 2009 proposes to set up a Magistrate’s court at the Mandal level. In a press...
As parliament stumbles into the Winter Session, one should note that there are five constitutional amendments on its legislative agenda. The most prominent of course is the Women’s Reservation...
The current issue of Seminar, available here, is devoted to celebrating sixty years of the Indian Constitution. Contributors include Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Uday S. Mehta, Upendra Baxi, Sudhir...
A few weeks ago, Nick posed a question on this blog as to what is the most pressing legal issue today. He stated that in his experience, Indians view the state’s obligation to lift them out of...
The Law Ministry has invited suggestions on the draft Legal Practitioners (Regulation and Maintenance of Standards in Profession, Protecting the Interests of Clients and Promoting the Rule of Law)...
Chavan and Kalmadi have paid the political price for corruption, and Raja may soon follow. Of course, political sanction does not require proof of guilt in a court of law and can therefore be...
NUJS is collaborating with Eurasia-Pacific Uninet and other partners is organizing an International Conference on “Constitutional Pluralism: New Challenges for Constitutional Theory” on...
I wanted to bring to the attention of our readers, two fascinating online sources on Indian law. The first is a colonial legal history database that has been set up Mitra Sharafi, Assistant Professor...
Asma Jahangir’s election as the first woman President of the the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan today continues to complicate the changing frontiers of judiciary/executive...