Kafila posts on Sri Lankan constitutionalism and Ayodhya

Rohini Hensman has written a thoughtful and detailed post for Kafila which explains both the background context and implications of the recent passing of the 18th amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka. Unusually for a blog post, she manages to provide a succinct overview of constitutional developments in the island nation over the past three decades, which helps those of us who are not fully aware of the relevant history to get a sense of the overall context of her argument. A more recent post on Kafila offers Biswajit Roy’s preliminary take on the judgments in the Ayodhya case, focusing on Justice Khan’s judgment in particular.

Update (Oct 18, 2010): Biswajit Roy’s further thoughts on the Ayodhya case, focusing on the judgment of Justice Agarwal in particular, are available here. Somewhat coincidentally, given how the original post was framed, Rohini Hensman has subsequently written a blog post for Kafila on the Ayodhya case which is available here.

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