Tributes: For and by KG Kannabiran

The Hindu recently carried a tribute to KG Kannabiran by Menaka Guruswamy which draws on her personal encounters with the activist lawyer. In her tribute, Guruswamy refers to the passing of K. Balagopal and the work that Mr. Kannabiran and Mr. Balagopal did together in many fora, including the PUCL. When K. Balagopal passed away, Mr. Kannabiran wrote a moving obituary (published in the EPW in November 2009) that also documented many significant milestones in the history of the human rights movement in India. Re-reading Mr. Kannibiran’s tribute, strikingly titled “A One in a Century Rights Activist,” one finds many examples of how these two activists joined forces to combat the forces that they felt were vehicles of injustice.

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