The Daksh – India Together Election 2014 Data Journalism Fellowship

Call for Applications

Oorvani Foundation, a non-profit media foundation that supports independent public affairs journalism, in collaboration with Daksh,
a non-profit focused on improving accountability in politics and
governance, is pleased to invite applications for the Daksh-IT Election
2014 Data Journalism Fellowship. Oorvani Foundation will select two
applicants to research, analyse data and write on select themes related
to the 2014 General Elections.

Fellowship Amount

to be paid in two instalments, one at the beginning of the Fellowship
and one on completion of publishing the required number of stories.


journalists, including freelancers, in Print and New Media in English,
with at least one year of demonstrated experience in in-depth long form
journalism. Researchers or Data experts with demonstrated track record
of writing in a lucid and articulate manner will also be considered.

Duration of Fellowship

From 20 Feb 2014 to two weeks post elections, by which time Fellows must complete all their submissions.

Fellowship Criteria

must coordinate with India Together and Daksh teams and produce at
least FIVE stories. Each story will be of 800-1500 words length, and
supplemented with data and visualisations. A full report, including all
findings and data is also to be filed at the end of the period.

are encouraged to use technology to tell stories in innovate and
dynamic ways. They are expected to share the data provided in open
source formats.
Articles and pictures will be reviewed and published in India Together and Citizen Matters (as applicable). Articles may also be published in other media with due permission and credit.

Application Requirements
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Soft
    copies of three published long form stories, preferably data-based,
    along with publication title, date of publishing and byline
  • Cover note
Application Deadline

15 February, 2014. Selected applicants will be notified within 5 days.
Send applications to:

Written by
Harish Narsappa
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