Towards the Rule of Law: 25 Legal Reforms for India

This is a guest post by Arghya Sengupta

The Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy is releasing a Briefing Book for the new government. Titled, ‘Towards the Rule of Law: 25 Legal Reforms for India’, the Briefing Book looks at how to achieve principled and pragmatic legal reform capable of effective implementation. The 25 identified areas have been selected on the basis of problem areas where a legal solution is called for, and where the environment is ripe for change. The suggested reforms are in five areas: development, economy, technology and innovation, human rights, judicial process and administration.

Four broad reform actions have been suggested: Renew Basic Institutions — revitalise institutions fundamental to democracy and economic growth; Clear the Thorns — deregulate overregulated sectors with overlapping rules; Regulate the New India — update laws and provide legal frameworks to confront new challenges; and Build a Possible India — assert India’s place in the world as a model constitutional democracy.

 The Briefing Book will be released on Saturday 19th July at 6 p.m. at the Multi-Purpose Hall at the India International Centre. It will be followed by a Panel Discussion on the topic: ‘How can better laws achieve better governance?’. Speakers include Justice (Retd.) Ruma Pal (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India), Harish Salve (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India), Sumit Bose (Former Finance Secretary, Government of India) and Uday Shankar (CEO, Star India). It will be moderated by Rajdeep Sardesai.

Entry is free and we would be delighted for anyone who is interested to attend.

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