Indian media has so far maintained a surprising silence over a remarkable event unfolding in the United Kingdom, one that any country facing secession demands should be watching very intently. Even...
Goolam E. Vahanvati does not just pass away. He stays with you. A mentor refers to an experienced and trusted adviser. For the last four years, he has done a lot more than mentor me. He treated me...
We bring you a guest post from Aradhya Sethia, a very bright third year student of the National Law School, Bangalore. The Vice of Excessive Delegation in the NJAC Bill, 2014: The Devil is in Details...
With the passage of the 121st Constitutional Amendment Bill and the attendant National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, the collegium system of appointments, now 21 years in the making, is...
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have passed the Constitution (121st Amendment) Bill 2014 and the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2014 simultaneously. The Bill seeking to amend the Constitution makes...
Guest post by M. S. Ganesh and Venkatesh Nayak. M. S. Ganesh is Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Venkatesh Nayak is with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, New Delhi...
In this short, but finely spun, piece, Suhrith Parthasarathy examines the Supreme Court’s recent contortions over the death penalty. He argues that the forthcoming Law Commission report is an...
In a recent article, Badrinath Srinivasan examines how India’s courts appoint arbitrators. Under the 1996 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, parties to an international arbitration, who are...
The Section on Law and South Asian Studies of the Association of American Law Schools invites papers for its session during the 2015 AALS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, which is scheduled for...
Looting And Rape In Wartime: Law And Change In International Relations. By Tuba Inal, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 280 Pages, $75. (hereafter referred to as Looting) Redefining Rape:...