Continuing our focus on regulation in India, here is a powerful critique of the recent governmental proposal to revamp power sector regulation in India (Thanks to Promod Nair for the link to the...
On many issues, I’m not what you’d call a “bleeding-heart liberal.” But I purloined the caption for this post from Professor Baxi’s famous piece on public interest...
Today’s Indian Express carries a thoughtful Op-ed piece by Bimal Jalan on the continuing controversy about the proper roles of the judiciary and the legislature in our constitutional democracy...
I would like to revisit Ram Guha’s article that Arun posted on the 28th of September. I decided that I would make an independent posting and not simply comment on Arun’s post since in my...
The Business Page of today’s Telegraph would work well as an Reading List on an Introductory Course on Regulation Law in India. To start with, notice TRAI’s ability to articulate a policy...
This post might be a bit dated, but I thought I should share Ram Jethmalani’s sensible opinion on the controvery over Nalini Chidambaram appearing for the Income Tax Department. I think it...
A couple of weeks ago, after following the confirmation hearings of Judge (now Chief Justice) John Roberts before the U.S. Senate, I had commentedupon the need for assessing the legacy of Chief...
Ram Guha is clearly one of the leading Indian public intellectuals of our times. His thought-provoking, insightful, historically grounded, superbly researched, and often provocative columns and...
The Basic Structure doctrine is, as all Indian law students know, one of the fundamental pillars of Indian constitutional law, and is perhaps the most distinctive (as well as most written about)...
The recent enactment of the Indian Right to Information Act, 2005 was rightly celebrated, coming as it did after a long struggle which saw many disparate groups of actors collaborating in creative...