Today’s Times of India carries the latest expose by Manoj Mitta on Mashelkar. The previous ‘victim’ says Mashelkar is irresponsible, if not dishonest. I would like to know Shamnad...
Last week, the Supreme Court referred a PIL seeking to prevent ‘tainted’ Ministers (i.e. those who have a criminal background) to a Constitution Bench, and also directed individual state...
Coming as I do from the relatively apolitical world of research and academia, the events of the last two weeks have taken me by surprise and left me wondering as to how easy it is for the substantive...
Another glaring instance of how the Supreme Court’s collegium responsible for the choice of Judges in the Higher Judiciary does not jealously guard its primacy accorded by the Supreme...
I am very pleased to welcome V. Venkatesan to our blog. Mr. Venkatesan is a long-standing and well-known commentator on legal and judicial developments in India. He writes a widely read column in...
On Valentine’s Day this year, the Supreme Court delivered its decision in the Rajendra Singh Rana case, disqualifying 13 MLAs in the U.P. Legislative Assembly, and sparked off a veritable...
In a recent post, I sought to highlight the problems with Somnath Chatterjee’s assertion that Parliament ought to have the last word on the issue of Parliamentary Privileges, and that judges...
Justice Markandey Katju, who was recently appointed to the Supreme Court, appears to be a representative of a rare species of higher court judges in contemporary India, who actually agree that the...
Recent months have witnessed many interesting legal developments in India. I hope that some of us who were active earlier can revive this blog. While it was alive, this blog provided a valuable forum...
This story on judicial appointments from the Hindu is amazing. Who is their source? I can’t comment on this further because of professional constraints. But, perhaps, others on this blog will...